mau ikutan lomba web dan graphic, coba aja ikutan adikaryadesain 2003 yang diada'in sama Bubu Internet and Media Network Indonesia.

Adikarya Desain Indonesia 2003 (Indonesia’s Outstanding Design awards, ADI 2003), is a combination of web design (Bubu Awards) and graphic design competition conducted on a national scale in Indonesia. It is a unique event, supported by judges from prominent local and international individuals/companies, making ADIKARYA DESAIN INDONESIA a very unique and prestigious event worthy of an International Standard.

This year, being officially supported by Ministry of Communication and Information, Department of National Education, FDGI, ADGI and tabulated by Ernst and Young Indonesia, ADI 2003 presents this year competition’s theme as “BANGGA INDONESIA” (Proud Of Indonesia). The essence of the theme truly reflects its mission of honoring outstanding Indonesian talents and companies that engage themselves in the arena of web design and graphic design. Thru this awards event, we hope that we can provide web and graphic designers, individual or corporate based, a healthy ground to compete creatively and enhance their skills with the latest techniques and technology available. More

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