halaww...alhamdulillah akhirnya hari ini masuk kantor juga, yah walaupun masih meriang2 dikit cuma dah mendingan daripada sebelumnya. Kerjaan langsung menyerbu huehehehehe...mudah2an minggu depan sudah fit lagi dan siap syuting lagi tuh...wasa i ting...
Hari Rebo kemaren maksa masuk, akhirnya siang disuruh gruphed gue pulang :P baru deh ke dokter dan kamisnya pun tepar lagi, jadi gak bisa ikutan latihan 17an deh m(-_-;)m
wah barusan dpt warning ini dari yahoogroups nih:
As part of our efforts to ensure that all Yahoo! Groups users enjoy the same high-quality service, we will implement the following service changes on Aug. 7, 2003:
- Message Attachments: Yahoo! Groups will continue to deliver all
attachments sent via email, however, the attachments will no longer be
archived within the Messages area. You may continue to upload files
and images to the Files and Photos areas of your groups. Please
re-upload any attachments you would like to preserve to the Photos or
Files areas of your group. On Aug. 7, all attachments in the Messages
area will be removed, and Yahoo! will be unable to retrieve such data.
- Add Members: The "Add Members" feature will now allow you to add 10
new members per day (e.g., the ability to directly add your friends
and family to your group). You may still use the "Invite Members"
feature to invite others to join your group.
- Files and Photos: Groups web membership will be required to access a
group's Files and Photos areas.
begitu katanya...yah kita mah nurut aja om yahoo namanya juga gratisan
Hari Rebo kemaren maksa masuk, akhirnya siang disuruh gruphed gue pulang :P baru deh ke dokter dan kamisnya pun tepar lagi, jadi gak bisa ikutan latihan 17an deh m(-_-;)m
wah barusan dpt warning ini dari yahoogroups nih:
As part of our efforts to ensure that all Yahoo! Groups users enjoy the same high-quality service, we will implement the following service changes on Aug. 7, 2003:
- Message Attachments: Yahoo! Groups will continue to deliver all
attachments sent via email, however, the attachments will no longer be
archived within the Messages area. You may continue to upload files
and images to the Files and Photos areas of your groups. Please
re-upload any attachments you would like to preserve to the Photos or
Files areas of your group. On Aug. 7, all attachments in the Messages
area will be removed, and Yahoo! will be unable to retrieve such data.
- Add Members: The "Add Members" feature will now allow you to add 10
new members per day (e.g., the ability to directly add your friends
and family to your group). You may still use the "Invite Members"
feature to invite others to join your group.
- Files and Photos: Groups web membership will be required to access a
group's Files and Photos areas.
begitu katanya...yah kita mah nurut aja om yahoo namanya juga gratisan