udah pada liat logo XL yg baru ini:
beberapa minggu kemaren XL menayangkan TVC bahwa mereka akan ganti logo, itu tuh yg visualnya ada baju di gantung di tali jemuran dan ada tulisan XL logo yang lama....setelah 8 tahun berkiprah di dunia telekomunikasi mungkin mereka merasa harus mengganti identitas lama mereka
beberapa minggu kemaren XL menayangkan TVC bahwa mereka akan ganti logo, itu tuh yg visualnya ada baju di gantung di tali jemuran dan ada tulisan XL logo yang lama....setelah 8 tahun berkiprah di dunia telekomunikasi mungkin mereka merasa harus mengganti identitas lama mereka
The basic colors are still maintained to emphasize that XL is not a new player but it is a result of the evolutions from excelcom that has been operating since October 1996 and has contributed to the telecommunications development in Indonesia.cuma koq IMHO logo baru nya mmmm apa ya jadi kesannya kayak logo mainan anak2 gitu, lebih berkesan "main-main", yah eniwei selamet deh Xl atas logo barunya :D
In the middle of letter X that is a silhouette of a person walking dynamically, we add a human face that gives the description of a character. This means we treat our customers as a complete personal and we know him closely so that customers may communicate everywhere with anyone. With the curvet letter of L will become flexible because we will give what customers’ real needs. With this change, XL reemphasizes the corporate position as an institution leads the XL products that have placed in society’s heart like proXL and XLnet.
Together with the launch of the new logo in the internal of XL community as well the culture conducted a new corporate culture. The new values have been introduced after the daily crystallizations as well sharpen the corporate vision and the employees’ determination as a corporate that willing to reach the top as People’s Champion (“People’s Choice”). As People’s Champion, he is encouraging (giving support and self confident to communicate everywhere with anyone with XL Technology) and enabling (to enable the XL users for fluent communication without obstacle). The new values that are crystallized by XL works in telecommunications in Indonesia involve the 4 (four) main characters from the employees that are responsive (fast response for customers’ needs), straightforward (openly and clearly communicate and in business), progressive (move forward, keep learning and creative for company’s progress, customers, and telecommunication industry generally), and trustworthy (trustable for quality in service and reliable product).
At its 8th (eighth) dedicated year, XL determines to reach the perfection of corporate values which is symbolized by the launch of the new corporate identity.